ACT Cat Plan 2021-2031
The ACT Cat Plan 2021-2031 has a vision that “all cats in the ACT will be owned, wanted and cared for by responsible owners.” In line with this vision for unowned and semi-owned cats the proposed action is for them to all be adopted out. Meanwhile, all cats born from 1st July 2022 will need to be contained to their owner’s property. What this means for Canberra Street Cat Alliance and other rescues working with street cats in Canberra is that they will no longer be able to desex street cats and have these cats cared for outside.
Meanwhile the proposal for them to be all adopted, although it sounds nice, is entirely unfeasible.
The end result will be cat rescues like CSCA will stop desexing and adopting out cats and the population will grow.
Our submission to Chris Steele and Rebecca Vassarotti for a 5-year exemption and research study on desexing community cats